Server rules
- Cheating, scripting and exploiting bugs is forbidden
- Playing music or making annoying/disturbing noices in microphone is forbidden
- Ghosting if forbidden (telling other players whereabouts after you have died)
- Advertising is forbidden (advertising youtube or twitch channels and betting sites is allowed)
- Map specific objective must be executed (T: planting the bomb, CT: defusing the bomb)
- Unnecessary camping is forbidden, terrorists must leave terrorist base before 1:20
- Insulting or bullying other players is forbidden
- Admins request and orders has to be obeyed, failure to do so will result in punishment
- Sharing personal information is forbidden
- Copying other players nicknames is forbidden
- Bypassing/evading bans is forbidden
- Sending unnecessary reports is forbidden (using !call or !calladmin command)
- Abusing kill command is forbidden (e.g you use kill command just before other player is about to kill you)
- First round of the map is always only pistols round
Remember to use common sense, admin complaints or complaints about incorrect bans to Kepapi.